V soboto 5.10 se je na Rogli odvijal tradicionalni mednarodni turnir košarkaric/košarkarkarjev veteranov.
Tekmovanje je potekalo v dveh kategorijah.
V ženski konkurenci je prvo mesto zasluženo osvojila ekipa Slovenija United, ki je ugnala obe nasprotni ekipi s prepričljivo prednostjo. V tekmi za drugo mesto je ekipa iz Ljubljane z boljšo igro v drugem polčasu premagala kolegice iz hrvaške Pule.
Pri moških je prvo mesto suvereno osvojila ekipa Zmajev iz Ljubljane. V prvi tekmi gosti iz Češke v dramatični končnici premagali ekipo gostiteljev. Gostom iz Prage se je posrečila velika vrnitev v tekmo po zaostanka za 15 točk. V drugi je ekipa Zmajev po pričakovanju premagala ekipo Elektre iz Šoštanju. Rezultat je bil enakovreden do 19:19. nato je ekipa iz Ljubljane naredila delni izid 14:0 in dvomov o zmagovalcu ni bilo več. Tekma za tretje mesto je spet postreglo z obilico dramatičnosti. V končnici so igralci bili igralci Elektre bolj zbrani in tretje mesto je “odšlo” v Šoštanj. V tekmi za prvo mesto so Ljubljančani bili boljši od kolegov iz Prage. Le tem ni uspel povratek kot v prvi tekmi.
Še enkrat zaslužena zmaga za ekipo Slovenija United in Zmaji Ljubljana. Čestitke.
Tretji polčas ( podelitev in zabava) je potekala v stari koči, ki je prinesla čarobne občutke povezanosti in prijateljstva med ekipami.
Se vidimo v septembru 2025.
On Saturday, October 5, the traditional international basketball tournament for veteran players took place at Rogla.
The competition was held in two categories.
In the women’s division, the Slovenia United team deservedly claimed first place, decisively defeating both opposing teams. In the match for second place, the team from Ljubljana outperformed the Croatian team from Pula with a stronger performance in the second half.
In the men’s division, Zmaji from Ljubljana took first place with a dominant performance. In the first game, the visiting team from the Czech Republic defeated the host team in a dramatic finish, managing a remarkable comeback from a 15-point deficit. In the second game, Zmaji were expectedly victorious over the Elektra team from Šoštanj. The score remained tight at 19:19, after which the Ljubljana team went on a 14-0 run, securing an indisputable victory. The match for third place also offered plenty of drama, with Elektra players ultimately more focused in the final minutes, clinching third place for Šoštanj. In the championship game, the Ljubljana team outperformed their Prague opponents, who were unable to mount a comeback as they had in the first game.
Once again, a well-deserved victory for both Slovenia United and the Zmaji Ljubljana . Congratulations!
The third half (awards ceremony and celebration) took place in the old lodge, providing a magical sense of connection and friendship among the teams.
See you in September 2025!

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